Sister Aleta Bray

Aleta 25

Aleta 25
On my Birthday!

Worn Out!

Worn Out!
after pushing the car....okay it may have been slightly exaggerated....(explanation of car in July 18th letter)

Aleta Christmas Eve - Beunos Aires

Aleta Christmas Eve - Beunos Aires
Look at what I Got! Aleta Christmas Eve - Beunos Aires

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do you believe in miracles...

Dear family,
Okay so today was really fun. We went and hit some golf balls again. It is one of the only things that is open on Mondays and is fun. There are so many things to do here in Tigre, but unfortunatley almost everything is closed on Monday. Lame. So we went again, but this time with pants!
Thanks a lot for the emails mom, dad, betsy and aunt janie.The weather here can´t seem to make up it´s mind either. It is cool in the mornings, rather warm in the day (still using short sleeved shirt most of the time) and then a little chilly at night. Sheesh. I´m not complaining, it´s just difficult to dress in the mornings´cause we never know what it´s going to be like. We don´t see the weather report or anything so it is all based on what it looks like at 11 am when we leave.
Okay I am inclosing photos of our baptisms from this week and last week.
This week was really great. We saw so many miracles. We had the opportunity to see Sharom get baptized on Friday. It was great to see so many blessings after so much work. We had a lesson with her on Friday morning to review the baptismal interview questions, because she had her interview Friday in the afternoon. So during our lesson we wanted to see how she was feeling about her baptism, she had been saying that she didn´t feel ready and wanted to wait another week. That is the same thing that she said the week before, so we had been praying a lot for her and that we would know what to say and how to help. In our companion study that morning we practiced for her. Well, it went really well and I felt that we defiantly received revelation for her and how to resolve her doubts. So when we went to her house and almost the exact same thing happened we knew what to say. It really did have an impact on her. She had been saying a lot that she wants to learn more, that she doesn´t know everything. That it will be fine if she waits another week. Hermana Peña asked, ¨ Sharom what happens if you die today?¨ Well that really got her thinking. We explained that she was ready, she has great faith and that the Lord will help her feel tranquility and peace if she asks. So we knelt down and prayed with her. When she was done, my companion said okay open up the Book of Mormon and search for an answer. It was right there, my companion and I could hardly believe it. She opened up to Alma 10:20. It says something along the lines of the lord sends his angels to declare repentance and the time is at hand. I don´t remember the exact wording, but that´s the jist. It truly was an answer to her prayer. It was an answer to our prayers and she was baptised that night. It was a great testimony builder to me and my companion.
All three siblings were confirmed on Sunday, Sharom, Jonathon and Susan. We went by their house last night to teach a lesson and found that they had really been experiencing a lot of trials lately. It is amazing how the Lord helps prepare people for the trials they will have. Sharom had this powerful experience with the Book of Mormon and her sister had one similar on her own. We helped them understand that this Book is where they can find answers. The answers to ¨why does this happen...or that¨ It was a amazing to see how the Lord answers prayers and strengthens his children if they just humble themselves and ask him.
I have learned a lot this week and am looking forward to this next week as well. I feel very humbled to be able to see these kind of miracles in the lives of others and help in God´s work here in Argentina.

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