Sister Aleta Bray

Aleta 25

Aleta 25
On my Birthday!

Worn Out!

Worn Out!
after pushing the car....okay it may have been slightly exaggerated....(explanation of car in July 18th letter)

Aleta Christmas Eve - Beunos Aires

Aleta Christmas Eve - Beunos Aires
Look at what I Got! Aleta Christmas Eve - Beunos Aires

Monday, April 25, 2011

It feels like home to me....‏

Querida familia y amigos,
Hey it´s me again. I have decided that I quite enjoy this time of year. I must admit it is a little strange to see leaves changing colors and falling during Easter, but the temperature is about the same, I think. It really has cooled off in the morning and at night. Every once in a while it is still rather warm in the day, so we just have to carry our jackets with us, that´s slightly annoying,but much better than freezing :) Oh and I thought that the cold would be really bad, because it is humid here, but guess what it is that nice chill you to the bone and there is nothing you really can do about it type, just like home. :) The other day, for a moment, I actually thought that it was September, that was weird, but that´s what it looks and feels like right now.
Okay as for something more interesting than the weather....yesterday was Easter, yeah. Church was really nice and a missionary gave a home coming talk. He is the son of our branch president and is now the young men´s president. Looks like he´s not going to get much rest after that mission huh. Their family is great and we had lunch at their home. Well here in Argentina they have Easter eggs. They are not like our Easter eggs. They don´t do Easter baskets or dying eggs or anything like that. They do have make these giant chocolate eggs. Well, some people make them and some buy them. Anyway they are these eggs made of chocolate in a variety of sizes and they are filled with candy. All sorts of different candies. I guess it is like a giant ¨kinder suprise¨ or maybe it´s the same idea as an Easter basket, only now you can eat the basket too. Anyway, they are really pretty, because the people decorate the outside in all sorts of different designs. So Hermana Torre gave us each one and I could help but think of Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, where he opens up the golden egg. It was slightly smaller than that, but not much.
Oh and funny story about that, Friday night we were walking through the train station and we saw someone selling these eggs. So I bought one, I wanted to try it and so what all this was about. He showed me one that cost 2 pesos, about 50 cents, and it was really pretty with little details and so I thought well okay I can afford one for 6 pesos. I bought one for me and one for my comp. Well we got home and was totally plain, just brown chocolate and a little stick like thing on the outside, mine was Hello kitty sticker and Hna. Peña´s was one of a soccer team. Okay, okay, but let´s open it up and see what´s inside......1 piece of candy. 1 jolly rancher type of candy. My companion had 5 mini m&ms, not the regular size, but the mini ones. We had a good laugh about it and came to the conclusion that we should have know better , sometimes those people selling things on the streets are a bit shifty. At least the chocolate was yummy.
Okay okay, as for things more spiritual....
This was a great week. We really tried to complete our goals this week. We really put forth an extra effort to contact every reference we received. We have seen that it is fact possible and I am determined to be better at this in the future. We are having success here with visiting former investigators and less active members. Almost all of our new investigators that we have visited this transfer have come from these two sources. One is the nephew of a member who has recently started coming back to church again. He is amazing. He is 8 and I think more intelligent than I am. We asked him if he had any questions after our lesson and he asked,¨who created God.¨ He really understands the doctrine and loves reading the Book of Mormon. We asked him about what he read and he could tell us the whole story of Lehi. I really am amazed at how sharp children are and how eager they are to learn and to do what is right.
We also have two investigators with baptismal dates. One knows that it is true, but he told us this week that he still has a lot of fears. We are working with him on this and we left Moroni 7 for him to ready and study, specifically the begining of the chapter. I really think that this will help him a lot. The other is really great too. He is very humble and eager to learn and do the things that God wants of him. Something I love about him is that when he says he will do something he does it. He is reading the Book of Mormon and learning a lot, he also loves to read the Gospel Principle manual that the branch gave him.
The members here have gotten more excited about the work and are willing to help us more. I really think that it is a result of the progress we have been seeing here. Our branch is small about 40 to 50 every week in church. So the fact that we are blessed with a lot of investigators attending church has really gotten some of them excited to help us. It´s great. I love it here in Tigre. I am so grateful for this opportunity here and to be one of the Lord´s missionaries.

Okay that´s about all I got for this week. I will write concerning mother´s day call next week, with the number to call and I´ll know then if I´ll have access to skype or not. So we will worry about that next week.
okay love you all tons,

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